Monday, July 20, 2009

Part 1 Continued: My plan for you--- Your heart's desire

God’s plan for each of us is that His Word be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path on a daily basis. How can we, otherwise, maintain spiritual strength, wisdom and knowledge day to day? How can we, otherwise, know where to walk, at what pace, when to stop and where to turn? When we are walking in the way of God, we will have ears to hear Him direct our path. Isaiah 30:21 says, “Your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it,’ whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.”

The only way for us to have the ability to hear Him speak on a regular basis, is to get to know Him personally through His Word -- His Holy Scriptures -- that He gave mankind for this purpose.

Someone might say, “Well, one time God spoke to me out of the blue when I was not even ‘saved.’ ” Yes, that can happen. An example might be when a person is about to make a decision such as going through the door on the right vs. the door on the left. This type of example might be a soldier in an urban combat situation. God can certainly do a sovereign work and speak clearly to him and say, “It’s the left door. Go on in.” As I said, this may be a sovereign act of God as He sees fit at that moment. Perhaps He is answering the prayers of the young man’s mama or grandpa, down on their knees interceding for that precious loved one.

What we are talking about today is the importance of learning to let God show us the way to live our lives in uttermost abundance through the light of His Word.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Part 1 Continued: My plan for you ---Your heart's desire

If you do not have revelation of these things, I implore you to ask God to help you receive this truth into your spirit -- that it will be Ramah Word to you. And ask Him to put into your belly a hunger for God’s Word that cannot be satisfied. He wants to do that and you will benefit in ways you could never have imagined.

In the natural, when we eat food, our hunger gets satisfied. Our digestive system kicks in and that food provides nourishment to our bodies so that our life is sustained, our cells are nourished and we have energy to do the physical and mental things that we do day to day. Each time this occurs, we are then hungry again in a few hours and must have more food.

The same thing should be happening when we ingest the Word of God. We take in a portion. With the help of the Holy Spirit residing in us, our mind, soul and spirit will digest or process it. It then becomes nourishment to our mind, our soul and our spirit. It sustains life and health in the core of our very being. That is in the who we are in our innermost parts. It is our spirit being, which is that part of us that communes with God and determines the real you or me. This is that part of us which wars with our flesh over what we will give ourselves to, at any given moment. Do you ever detect that battle going on between your flesh and your spirit?

It might be a battle over: to see or not to see a movie, to participate or not in a certain conversation, to eat a large piece of cake vs. a small one, to buy that pair of shoes or not, to make that remark to my spouse or not, to study God’s Word this morning or sleep another hour, to ask that hurting person if I can pray for him or not. The list could go on into eternity.

The point is, in this battle between flesh and spirit, which part will be stronger? Which part has been strengthened most by the things we have chosen to do, up to that point of making the decision? Have we been feeding our flesh more or our spirit more? Which one is stronger? Which one has been winning these skirmishes in the past and is likely to win them in our future. Just as our physical bodies need nourishment daily, our spirit needs nourishment every day in order to be strong enough to win these daily altercations. I am not talking about that devotional scripture in the little book we keep in the bathroom or on the bedside table or the one that comes across the computer screen each day. I am talking about devotion not devotional! I am talking about setting aside significant time in the daily routine to spend alone with God and His Word.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Part 1 Continued: My plan for you ---Your heart's desire

I love the words of Pastor Jack Hayford, extolling the truth and value of the Scriptures:
“THE WORD OF GOD God’s Word has been unscrolled in both the Scriptures and in His incarnate Son-- Jesus Christ. Jesus, in describing the importance of the of the eternal Scriptures said, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ (Matt. 4:4). He also commended the steadfast inquiry into the Word of God: ‘Search the Scriptures … they … testify of Me.’ There is no such thing as health or growth in Christian living apart from a clear priority on the place of the Bible in the life of the individual or the group. The Scriptures are the conclusive standard for our faith, morals, and practical living and are the nourishment for our rising to strength in faith, holiness in living, and effectiveness in service. The Holy Spirit who comes to fill us is the same Person who has given us the Book to guide and sustain us. The writer of this study has demonstrated the balance the Bible brings to living in his life, in his teaching ministry, and in his leadership.”

Hayford continues:

1. The Divine Inspiration of the Bible (2 Tim. 3:16)
The Bible is ‘God-breathed’ and the words planned by God’s creative design.
2. The Complete Trustworthiness of the Bible (Ps. 19:7)
The Word of God is ‘perfect’ in its accuracy and ‘sure’ in its dependability.
3. The Content of God’s Word is Complete (Prov. 30:5,6)
The Bible is complete, completely trustworthy, and sufficient to completely answer anything we need to know about eternal salvation or practical wisdom concerning relationships, morality, character, and conduct.
4. Jesus and the Holy Scriptures (Luke 16:17)
Jesus confirms that every word of Scripture is given by God, every truth is to be held inviolable, that
the Scriptures are indissoluble and credible.
5. The Way God’s Word Is to Be (2 Cor. 3:5-8)
The Word of God is to be ministered literally and life-givingly in the Spirit of Truth and Spirit of Life.

6. The Regenerating Power of God’s Word (1 Pet. 1:23)
The Word of God regenerates new spiritual life where man has, by nature, died spiritually.
7. The Authority of God’s Word over Our Lives (Ps. 119:89-91)
As ‘spiritual’ people we are to refuse the ‘natural’ inclinations of fallen man, giving place instead to
hearing and yielding to the authority of God’s own Word.
8. God’s Word and Our Soul’s Nourishment (Deut 8:3)
Spiritual survival is not possible for long without feeding upon the Word of God.
9. God’s Word and Practical, Fruitful Living (Ps. 119:105)
The regular application of the Word of God is the pathway to success and prosperity in living.
10. True Spiritual Growth Requires God’s Word (1 Cor. 3: 1-5)
True spiritual growth requires the Word of God, which makes spiritual maturity genuine.
11. Loving God’s Word As Jesus Follower (John 14:21)
(In order) To follow Jesus and to know God a continuing requirement of steadfast commitment to
hearing, heeding, and studying the Bible is necessary.
12. God’s Word: Purifier unto Holy Living (James 1:23-25)
The Bible shows us Christ’s likeness so that we can be ordered and shaped into that image.
13. God’s Word, Evangelism, and Expansion (Is. 55:10, 11)
The spreading of God’s Word and the fulfillment of our personal potential come by the Word of God.
14. God’s Word: Read It! Study it! Memorize it! (2 Tim. 2:15) God’s Word is the only conclusive source of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding concerning ultimate realities waiting to liberate and enrich those who will pursue its wealth.” (Spirit Filled Life Bible, Page xii)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Continue Part 1: My Plan for You -- Your Heart’s Desire

Consider the words of Oral Roberts, on this subject of abundant life, spoken of in John 10:10:
“God Desires Biblical Abundance for You, SEED FAITH. As you give your total self to God, God gives His total self to you. That is the supreme message of the Bible. Inherent in God’s ‘total self’ of His own Person is true, Bible-based prosperity – the real possibility of health for your total being (body, mind, emotions, relationships), of your material needs being met. Above all, His prosperity brings eternal life. Stop to think about it. What else is there worth having?”
“ Jesus said that He came to give life – not just ordinary existence, but life in fullness, abundance, and prosperity (3 John 2). On the other hand, the Enemy (Satan) comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. The line is clearly drawn. On one side is God with goodness, life, and “plenty” of all that is necessary for life (see Joel 2:26 and 2 Peter 1:3), and on the other side is the Enemy of our souls, who comes to rob us of God’s blessings, to oppress our bodies through disease and accidents, and to destroy everything that we love and hold dear.”
“Your first step toward experiencing full biblical prosperity is to believe that it is God’s highest desire for you. The next step is to line up your highest desire with His.” (From Spirit Filled Life Bible, “Kingdom Dynamics,” page 1593.)

In order to line up our highest desire with His highest desire for us, we must get to know Him, and His nature, through His Word. Yes, He speaks to us in other ways such as by His Spirit to our own born again spirit. But the only way to prove that “Word from God” and be certain that it really came from God is to see that it lines up with His written Word. Many people take action on what they thought was a “word” from God, to simply later find themselves disillusioned and confused.

We must never forget that Satan, too, does indeed have a plan for each of us and that one of the best ways to begin to walk out Satan’s plan is to walk in our own plan. The road of my own plan will eventually merge right into his road. So many blindly choose this route and then wonder how their life turned out so disappointing. Often they will attribute it simply to “bad luck.” Well, luck has nothing to do with it and the word “luck” is not in my Bible. “Bad luck” is just a commonly used excuse for the consequences of not walking in God’s Truth.

So how can one know this “Truth,” in order to walk in it? Since “Truth” and God’s Word are synonymous, the answers are waiting in the pages of His Scriptures.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Continue Part 1: "God's Will for Me - My Heart's Desire"

Again, look at Jesus’ words in John 10:10: “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” Satan is a thief and the enemy of God. He hates and wants to destroy anything that God loves. Anyone or anything that is the enemy of God is also the enemy of those who are God’s sons and daughters. Satan hates God, therefore he hates us (Christians) and we can rest assured that he wants to steal us, if he can. If he cannot do that, then he wants to kill us. If that does not work for him, he wants to destroy us. A thief robs and Satan is the master thief. When a person is “born again,” he or she moves from Satan’s kingdom into God’s kingdom and becomes a child of God rather than a child of the devil. If Satan cannot have a person’s soul, he then alters his plan from taking his soul to taking his life -- that is to literally kill him or to rob that Christian of the abundant life that his Heavenly Father wants to give each of His children.

Before going further, let’s look at the definition of “abundant” in the Greek. Strong’s #4053, “peissos,” means “Superabundant, excessive, over flowing, surplus.” Thayer’s Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament adds to Strong’s definition, “super added,” “beyond measure,” “exceedingly abundantly.” WOW! These are words that God plans and wants us to be able to use to describe our lives! The recipe for this life in abundance is to give our hearts and lives to Christ Jesus and then to know His Word and to do it. God’s Word is given to us to light our way through the abundant life.

I am not saying that being a believer causes one to be immune to problems and trials. Again, we must know what God says about that. Through His dear Son, He said: “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33. In other words, we are all guaranteed trials, but we believers have the hope and confidence that Christ, who dwells in us, has overcome them all. Therefore we have the means within to overcome all negatives that come our way.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

So what is Risikili? I desire for myself and others that we will Risikiliread it, study it, know it, live it. Risikili!

Part 1. “My Plan for You -- Your Heart’s Desire”

“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105.

“Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against God.”
Psalm 119:11.

“The Word of God is quick (living) and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12.

Knowledge of the above scriptures, that many of us have known seemingly all of our lives, should be enough to compel us to faithfully and diligently read, study, know and live the Word of God. After all, this Word of God, your/my Bible, is the representation of Jesus that we can literally hold in our hands, press to our hearts and see with our earthly eyes.

But knowledge of these scripture passages, that we have just recalled, is obviously not enough. If it were, more believers would be spiritually mature and walking in great faith. If most Christians are familiar with these words and have even memorized them, but are still not hungry enough to be diligent to really study God’s Word, then what is the problem? What is lacking? I believe that a huge missing link is the fact that many believers are simply apathetic toward God’s Word and the things of God in general. They are just more concerned with the things of this world. Another missing link is “revelation.” People need revelation knowledge -- revelation understanding -- of the fact that God’s precious, wonderful Word is life to our bones --- that it holds the keys to finding and living that abundant life that Jesus told us is there for us when He said, “I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10b

Most Christians are not living out abundant life. For example, this is evident in statistics that tell us that the present day rate of divorce is greater in the church than it is outside of the church. This just should not be! The abundant life that Christ wants to give us is a life lived to its maximum. I want to “max out” my life here on earth. Do you? I want to fulfill my greatest potential and to have my greatest success in all aspects of my life that is possible for me to have. Do you?

I know that I have often lived in mediocrity and have fallen short of my best, which is God’s best for me. Because of that, I am sure that I have missed out on blessings and accomplishments that God had planned for me. The following is a poem I wrote several years ago on this thought:

Beyond Myself

Beyond myself -- God's Word is true.
He teaches me my whole life through.
Though life brings trials, toils and snares,
Beyond myself, I cast my cares.

I say, "but human's all I am"
He says, "you're more than just a man."
I have excuses for my short comings.
He says, "with Me, you quit your slumming."

Mediocrity has been my ride.
"Just get by," has been my pride.
But Jesus said to come up higher.
My plan for you -- your heart's desire.

"But, Jesus, how can I do so?
I'm only human, that you know.
My weaknesses, my faults, my doubts!
Go figure, Lord, what I'm about!"

"Am I a man that I should lie?
My Word is Truth, so don't be shy.
I shed my blood that you could be
Beyond yourself and be set free!"
By CC, June 22, 2000

I repent of not living my life to it’s fullest -- which, by the way, is to live God’s plan for me and not my own puny plan or even someone else’s plan for me. Speaking of which, that “someone else” includes Satan. He has a plan for me and for you as well, and it’s not good and it’s not abundant. His plan is for my destruction and for me to adversely affect all I can on my way down. And you can be certain that he has that same plan for you!

[I will be away from my computer for a few days. More to come after Easter. He Is Risen! Rejoice!]

Monday, March 30, 2009

God's Word - Our Destiny... An Introduction

Welcome to my blog. Here is the introduction to the thesis of my heart. More coming soon.

This is an exposé on the value of God’s Word, The Holy Bible, as I see it and more importantly, as God sees it. It includes some of my own thoughts as well as those of a few Bible scholars who certainly express their thoughts with much greater eloquence than I could ever hope to attain. The purpose of this compilation is to satisfy my own need to release some of the pressure that has built up from the fire in my belly regarding the unspeakable value of the Word of God in the life of a Christian. This fire is mixed with my frustration in observing that many believers seem to be apathetic toward this Holy Book even though it is given to us by our own Heavenly Father. This apathy is an immense example of man profaning that which is holy ---- declaring God’s Word a common thing, unimportant to daily life and aspirations toward holiness and abundant living. Keep in mind here that I am talking about Christians --- those who call themselves followers of Christ.
This is a work that is by no means exhaustive and that I could never complete in my lifetime. For the world cannot contain the words, chapters and books that would express the totality of the value of God’s written Word to mankind. I desire for myself and others that we will Risikili. [Check back next time to learn what Risikili means.]