Saturday, June 27, 2009

Part 1 Continued: My plan for you ---Your heart's desire

I love the words of Pastor Jack Hayford, extolling the truth and value of the Scriptures:
“THE WORD OF GOD God’s Word has been unscrolled in both the Scriptures and in His incarnate Son-- Jesus Christ. Jesus, in describing the importance of the of the eternal Scriptures said, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ (Matt. 4:4). He also commended the steadfast inquiry into the Word of God: ‘Search the Scriptures … they … testify of Me.’ There is no such thing as health or growth in Christian living apart from a clear priority on the place of the Bible in the life of the individual or the group. The Scriptures are the conclusive standard for our faith, morals, and practical living and are the nourishment for our rising to strength in faith, holiness in living, and effectiveness in service. The Holy Spirit who comes to fill us is the same Person who has given us the Book to guide and sustain us. The writer of this study has demonstrated the balance the Bible brings to living in his life, in his teaching ministry, and in his leadership.”

Hayford continues:

1. The Divine Inspiration of the Bible (2 Tim. 3:16)
The Bible is ‘God-breathed’ and the words planned by God’s creative design.
2. The Complete Trustworthiness of the Bible (Ps. 19:7)
The Word of God is ‘perfect’ in its accuracy and ‘sure’ in its dependability.
3. The Content of God’s Word is Complete (Prov. 30:5,6)
The Bible is complete, completely trustworthy, and sufficient to completely answer anything we need to know about eternal salvation or practical wisdom concerning relationships, morality, character, and conduct.
4. Jesus and the Holy Scriptures (Luke 16:17)
Jesus confirms that every word of Scripture is given by God, every truth is to be held inviolable, that
the Scriptures are indissoluble and credible.
5. The Way God’s Word Is to Be (2 Cor. 3:5-8)
The Word of God is to be ministered literally and life-givingly in the Spirit of Truth and Spirit of Life.

6. The Regenerating Power of God’s Word (1 Pet. 1:23)
The Word of God regenerates new spiritual life where man has, by nature, died spiritually.
7. The Authority of God’s Word over Our Lives (Ps. 119:89-91)
As ‘spiritual’ people we are to refuse the ‘natural’ inclinations of fallen man, giving place instead to
hearing and yielding to the authority of God’s own Word.
8. God’s Word and Our Soul’s Nourishment (Deut 8:3)
Spiritual survival is not possible for long without feeding upon the Word of God.
9. God’s Word and Practical, Fruitful Living (Ps. 119:105)
The regular application of the Word of God is the pathway to success and prosperity in living.
10. True Spiritual Growth Requires God’s Word (1 Cor. 3: 1-5)
True spiritual growth requires the Word of God, which makes spiritual maturity genuine.
11. Loving God’s Word As Jesus Follower (John 14:21)
(In order) To follow Jesus and to know God a continuing requirement of steadfast commitment to
hearing, heeding, and studying the Bible is necessary.
12. God’s Word: Purifier unto Holy Living (James 1:23-25)
The Bible shows us Christ’s likeness so that we can be ordered and shaped into that image.
13. God’s Word, Evangelism, and Expansion (Is. 55:10, 11)
The spreading of God’s Word and the fulfillment of our personal potential come by the Word of God.
14. God’s Word: Read It! Study it! Memorize it! (2 Tim. 2:15) God’s Word is the only conclusive source of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding concerning ultimate realities waiting to liberate and enrich those who will pursue its wealth.” (Spirit Filled Life Bible, Page xii)

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