Monday, July 20, 2009

Part 1 Continued: My plan for you--- Your heart's desire

God’s plan for each of us is that His Word be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path on a daily basis. How can we, otherwise, maintain spiritual strength, wisdom and knowledge day to day? How can we, otherwise, know where to walk, at what pace, when to stop and where to turn? When we are walking in the way of God, we will have ears to hear Him direct our path. Isaiah 30:21 says, “Your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it,’ whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.”

The only way for us to have the ability to hear Him speak on a regular basis, is to get to know Him personally through His Word -- His Holy Scriptures -- that He gave mankind for this purpose.

Someone might say, “Well, one time God spoke to me out of the blue when I was not even ‘saved.’ ” Yes, that can happen. An example might be when a person is about to make a decision such as going through the door on the right vs. the door on the left. This type of example might be a soldier in an urban combat situation. God can certainly do a sovereign work and speak clearly to him and say, “It’s the left door. Go on in.” As I said, this may be a sovereign act of God as He sees fit at that moment. Perhaps He is answering the prayers of the young man’s mama or grandpa, down on their knees interceding for that precious loved one.

What we are talking about today is the importance of learning to let God show us the way to live our lives in uttermost abundance through the light of His Word.

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