Thursday, April 19, 2012




Today would be the 78th birthday of my dear friend, JoAnn, who passed away one month ago. She has graduated into Eternity, and is now enjoying the glorious presence of our Savior, Jesus.  I met JoAnn and her husband when we became neighbors---- I was 12 years old.  That was 50 years ago!  I always called her my second MAMA.  So today I want to share the poem I wrote for her 3 days before her death. She enjoyed hearing me read it to her twice before she stepped into Eternity.  I miss you Jo.

[By the way, the photo above, I call  "JoAnn's Sky".  I took the picture on my way home from the hospital 14 days before her death, knowing that she was enjoying the same sunset from her hospital room window.  We had just been talking about her nice view of the setting sun.  What I did not know was that this would be the last sunset that she would see during her life on earth, as we know it. The ski was so beautiful that day.  Now I imagine, with joy and wonder, about the views she is having these days.  Eternity is a long, long time and we have so much to look forward to!]

I hope you enjoy the poem....

My Friend, JoAnn

Do you know my friend, JoAnn? Yes, she’s the one who’ll lend a hand.

If you’ve got dishes in your sink--- She’ll wash ‘em quicker than you think.

Communion time at church today? She’ll have it ready right away.

Church dinner coming up next week? Her part, she’ll do---- No honor seek.

My silver in that cabinet there, all sparkles now from her tender care.

“I like to do it.” she would say. Now take that grandchild out to play.

She’ll bring you fudge at Christmas time. And Phillip*, she tries to keep in line.

“Now Phillip, don’t you touch my stuff!” To keep him straight, she must get tough.

And Molly, how she loves her so. Her precious kitty, I’m sure you know.

So many loved ones she’s held dear. And faced each trial not showing fear.

So Jo, is it really time to say ---farewell and wipe our tears away?

God sent you to us---- His priceless gem. And now you want to go to Him.

Jesus greets you with open arms. To hold you back would just do harm.

I have to tell you right now, Jo.  I love you more ‘an you ever know.

[You’re almost there. We have so much to look forward to! Love, Connie ~~ March 15, 2012]

*Phillip was her boss, for whom she did bookkeeping. :)

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