Monday, January 23, 2012

PART 3: That I Might Not Sin ~ Continued...

      Look again at being sanctified. The lexicon says it means “to purify internally by reformation of soul.” Our soul is our mind, will and emotions. That’s some pretty internal stuff. This says that our soul undergoes a reformation. According to Webster, “reform” means: “to make better by removing faults; correct. … to form again.” (Webster’s New world Dictionary of the American Language, page 624) So when our soul is reformed, it is made better “by removing faults”. Notice that it says faults are removed, not simply hidden or covered over. The soul is formed again or made new. Hallelujah, the knowledge of the Truth has the capability make us free from the baggage of sins, past and present, as well as old hurts and habits! Our spirit was saved when we were born again and now our soul can be reborn, as well! When instructing born again believers, James said, “Therefore, lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.” James 1:21. Please don’t think that I am saying that if we read, study and know what the Bible says, we are automatically made holy or righteous. It’s not that simple. It is at that point where we make a choice. Will we do the right thing which we have learned in God’s Word or will we fall back into doing what our flesh desires? Note James’ words again, “Therefore, lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.”

      These were fellow Christians James was addressing. They had already been “saved” but James refers to the need for their souls to also be saved as well. The mind, will and emotions need to be redeemed – that is restored back to their original state before the fall in the Garden of Eden. Let’s face it – When we are born again, our mind, our will and our emotions do not automatically line up with God’s righteousness. We do not suddenly have all thoughts that are completely pure. We do not suddenly have all desires that are righteous. And we do not suddenly express all holy emotions that exhibit no anger, no fear, no worry--- but instead all pure love, joy and peace. Purity of mind, righteous desires and constant peace comes by way of continuous study and application of scriptures, communing with the Father, subjecting ourselves to sound biblical teaching, and listening to and heeding the directions of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Granted, no one does this all of the time, but God’s Word is there for us and we must choose to receive it and allow it to be implanted into our souls and spirits. When we do these things we are accomplishing this instruction from James: “lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.” Until our souls are redeemed, we are not capable of living above sin and being in position to receive the blessings that God greatly desires to give us. Likewise, we are not in position to live the life of purpose, fulfillment and super abundance that God planned for us before we were even born. Jesus said we must be born again and now James says our soul also needs to be saved.

      So knowledge of and life application of the Truth of Gods’ Word will sanctify us, help us remove sin and give us the power to sin no more. I did not say that we will never sin again. I said we will have the power in us to sin no more. God created us and knows us better than we know ourselves. He called us to be holy and knows exactly what it takes for us to accomplish that high goal. We have to want to do this. The study of God’s Word can help put the want to into us and then it will also instruct us in the how to. How does it help to put the want to in us? By helping us to better know our Heavenly Father and His son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus. Using a cliché --- “to know Him is to love Him,” has never held truer. While all this is taking place, the Holy Spirit, indwelling us, will strengthen and empower us to get it right more and more as we grow in knowledge, wisdom and understanding. “It” being our thoughts, motives, intents of our hearts, our words and deeds.

      Let’s look more at the Holy Spirit’s role in our capacity to resist the temptation to . . .  ~~ To be continued in my next post. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Part 3: That I Might Not Sin - continued

[Before reading today's post, please go back to the previous post and read the prayer that Jesus prayed for his followers.]
Jesus said He gave God’s Word to us so that we can be set apart and holy – so that we can be saints! Yes, we will all be tempted and Satan will set traps to snare us, but God’s Word gives us the power to say, “No,” when unrighteous opportunities come our way. Note that in verse 17 of Jesus’ prayer, the King James and New King James versions use the word, “sanctify”. “Sanctify them by your truth. Your word is truth.” The American Standard Version says, “Use the truth to make them holy. Your words are truth.” ----Do you just love the comparison!? To know Truth, know The Word!
Be blessed and encouraged by Joseph H. Thayer’s Greek – English Lexicon of the New Testament, (page 6), explanation of the word “sanctify”: “… to make, render or declare sacred or holy, consecrate. Hence it denotes 1. to render or acknowledge to be venerable, to hallow: … . Since the stamp of sacredness passes over from the holiness of God to whatever has any connection with God, dyiejeiv denotes, 2. to separate from things profane and dedicate to God, to consecrate and so render inviolable; a. things … b. persons. So Christ is said by undergoing death to consecrate himself to God, whose will in that way fulfils; God is said dyiacrai Christ, i.e. to have selected him for service … by having committed to him the office of Messiah. … Since only what is perfect and without blemish can be offered to God… 3. to purify …; and a. to cleanse eternally … , to purify levitically … b. to purity by expiation, free from the guilt of sin. … c. to purify internally by reformation of soul; Jn. xvii. 17, 19 (through knowledge of the truth, cf. Jn. viii, 32): … . In general, Christians are called nyiaouiroi [cf. Deut. xxxiii.3], as those who, freed from the impurity of wickedness, have been brought near to God by their faith and sanctity, Acts xx. 32; xxvi.18.”
I am lovin this! Oh, that we will see what John 17 is saying to the church! Christ, Himself, was speaking about us in this prayer. It says so, right there in verse 20: “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word;” That’s me and that’s you, if you are a believer in Christ.
In obedience to God the Father, Jesus the Son, gave us God’s Word (v. 14). He then asked God to, sanctify us by His truth and then proclaimed, “Your word is Truth.” So here Jesus is saying that God’s Word is Truth and it is by that Truth of God’s Word that we are sanctified. Then we see, from the lexicon, that being sanctified means to be made holy – to be consecrated and set apart for service to God. What God redeems, He purifies and what He purifies, He uses!

In the definition, we also see that “sanctify” means “to purify internally by reformation of soul” and according to John 8: 31-32, this takes place through knowledge of the truth. “Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, ‘If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed, And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.’ ” This truth needs to be revelation understanding in our spirits that then bears righteous fruit. We can and should be changed by God’s Word! And as a result, we will be made pure------- or cleaned up, from the inside out! Also, this passage is a great example of the “If -- Then Principle.” If you do one thing, then a specific something else results. If you abide in God’s Word, then you are His disciple and you will know the truth and be set free by it. Note also that this principle is qualified by believing Jesus. One must be a believer in order for the promise to manifest.

To “abide” means “to stand fast; to remain; go on being … to stay; reside (with, in or at).” Webster’s New world Dictionary of the American Language, page 3. The place where we abide is our abode, or dwelling place. In the natural, our home is our dwelling place. It is the place we come home to, in order to find our rest, security and nourishment daily. When we abide in God’s Word, we dwell in it on a daily basis, obtaining its life giving rest, security and nourishment. It is the place we come home to.